Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the eligibility requirements?

    Patients must be at least 18 years of age. At this time, we can only accept participants who currently reside in either TEXAS or COLORADO. Candidates must undergo an interview with a clinician in order to ensure that they are a good fit for the group.

  • What type of services will I be receiving?

    Patients will participate in eight group therapy sessions, which will be held weekly. Each session will last roughly 90-120 minutes. All group sessions will be held via telehealth.

  • What Paranormal Group Therapy is NOT:

    It's important to state that the clinicians will not be operating in any role other than as professional mental health therapists. The clinicians will NOT be offering psychic advice, house visits, or paranormal investigations. For a full list, please visit the About page and visit the section. "What Group Therapy Is NOT."

  • What is the cost for group therapy?

    The cost for group therapy is $60 per session. The group therapy will run for a total of eight sessions, totaling $480. Participants may pay in two installments, by paying the first half due before the start of the first group, and the remaining half due before the start of the fifth group session. We are unable to accept insurance at this time.

  • What are the expectations/commitments for group?

    We require all patients participating in group to agree to the group rules, which include honoring confidentiality and respecting the dignity of all group participants.

    Since this is a "closed group" (meaning that we start and end with the same group members), the expectation is that you attend all eight group sessions unless you have a major emergency.

  • When will group therapy start, and when will it be held?

    Our goal is to begin group therapy at the end of October. Group therapy will be held Monday evenings from 7-9pm CST. All group therapy sessions will be held via telehealth.